If you’ve ever been told that ADHD is just an excuse for laziness, caused by bad parenting, or simply too much screen time, you’re not alone.

Common misconceptions like these can often prevent you from accessing the right support.

An ADHD assessment sheds light on your characteristics so you can move forward. 

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects your focus, your impulse control, and executive function.

Many intelligent, capable individuals identify as having ADHD - not as a limitation, but as a different way of thinking.

With the right strategies and support, they learn to harness their strengths, improve focus, and navigate challenges more effectively.

  • ADHD characteristics typically appear before age 12 and may include:

    • Difficulty sustaining attention - struggling to focus on tasks or conversations

    • Disorganised - frequently losing things or missing appointments

    • Excessive fidgeting - feeling restless or unable to sit still

    • Impulsivity - interrupting others or making decisions without thinking them through

  • ADHD often coexists with other conditions, including:

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Sleep difficulties

    • Substance abuse issues (in adults)

    • Behavioural or academic challenges (in children/teens)

  • A formal ADHD diagnosis provides clarity and direction. It helps individuals:

    • Access targeted and effective support, like behavioural therapy and cognitive enhancement strategies 

    • Improve attention, memory, and impulsivity      

    • Access school or workplace resources and special considerations for better support

    • Reduce the risk of secondary challenges like anxiety or depression

    • Reach their full potential and lead a better quality of life.

ADHD assessments for adults, teens and children (from 6+) ADHD can look different at every stage of life.

Child ADHD Assessments

Designed for primary and secondary school-aged children, this ADHD assessment aims to understand the child’s underlying traits and how these impact their functioning at school, home and in social situations. Results of this assessment are used to create personalised recommendations for next steps.

Adult ADHD Assessments

Most adults seeking an assessment want clarity on whether their challenges stem from ADHD so they can make an informed decision on treatments. Our ADHD assessments for young adults (tertiary age) and adults typically focus on diagnostic evaluation rather than cognitive testing. 

How does it work?

Standard Child ADHD Assessments

Please note: The structure of your assessment may be adjusted based on individual requirements.

The Booking Process

The ADHD Assessment 

  • Questionnaire administration (parent & teacher)

  • Diagnostic assessment interview (90 mins)

  • Child-only assessment - includes full WISC/WAIS (IQ) (2-3 hours)

  • Teacher consultation as required (via phone interview or standard questionnaire)

  • Wait time (approx 4 weeks)

  • Feedback session and report

Standard Adult ADHD Assessments

Please note: The structure of your assessment may be adjusted based on individual requirements.

The Booking Process

The ADHD Assessment 

  • Questionnaire administration

  • Diagnostic assessment interview (120 mins)

  • Attention assessment

  • Wait time (approx 4 weeks)

  • Feedback session and report

Our Tools & Methods for ADHD Assessments

  • Standardised rating scales and questionnaires

    Used to gather structured information on symptoms from multiple perspectives.

  • Validated diagnostic interviews

    In-depth discussions with individuals, families and other relevant professionals to assess ADHD-related challenges.

  • Objective cognitive assessments

    These may include verbal tasks, pen-and-paper exercises, computer-based tests, and puzzle-solving activities.

  • Collateral information gathering

    We collect insights from school reports, medical records, and interviews with family members and teachers to build a well-rounded understanding of the individual's symptoms and their impact on daily life.

 Frequently Asked Questions

What are you wondering?

  • Support options typically include psychological therapies, medication, or a combination of both.

    We discuss these options to help individuals and families make informed decisions. If medication is being considered, we refer clients to psychiatrist or paediatrician for review and consultation.

  • Teachers play a key role in providing insight into a child's learning and behaviour in a school setting.

    We gather this information through standardised questionnaires and telephone consultations. If requested, we can also communicate recommendations to schools to support the child’s learning.

  • Yes! We offer a range of educational resources to help individuals and families better understand ADHD. We also provide therapeutic treatment through our clinical psychology services from age 12+ if recommended in the assessment.

  • ADHD often exists alongside other conditions like learning disorders, anxiety, or depression. Our assessment process screens for these co-occurring conditions using a combination of tasks, questionnaires, and clinical interviews to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

Have more questions? Give our friendly team a call, we are always happy to assist.

Want more insights into our ADHD assessments or ready to book an appointment?